So, when I first heard about WayForward's Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! for the DS and 3DS, my initial reaction was one of both joy and concern.

Needless to say, I love Adventure Time dearly. Other programs like Regular Show may be roughly as funny, but Adventure Time's contemporaries often lack its poignant subtext and stellar character development. Its adorable characters, hilarious dialogue and surprisingly complex and storied mythology set it apart from the vast majority of "children's" entertainment out there. North American users can now download the demo of the game on the 3DS eShop.Adventure Time is one of the very best things on television. IGN has given this game an 8.5/10, claiming it as an Editor's Choice which is really great for a game based on a cartoon series.

A Collector's Edition is also available only on Nintendo 3DS which includes the game, a poster map of the Land of Ooo, a Book of Beasts (a bestiary of enemies in the game), and a stylus in the shape of Finn's Golden Sword, all included in a custom premium SteelBook case modeled after the show's Enchiridion. The game is available for Nintendo DS and 3DS for $29.99. The game draws inspiration from the classic NES game, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, featuring a similar top-down gameplay perspective while exploring the Land of Ooo, and switching to a 2D side-scrolling format upon entering various "dungeons." This 2D side-scrolling platformer puts you in the shoes of the main characters Finn and Jake, who are trying to find and punish the evil Ice King for constructing a Garbage Princess with the stolen trash belonging to the inhabitants of the Land of Ooo. Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!! is an original DS and 3DS game developed by WayFoward Technologies based on the popular animated television series, Adventure Time, featured on Cartoon Network.