A 2006 study by Daphne Bavelier and her group saw that playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault help improve visual attention, while a 2011 research conducted in Berkeley stated that 40 hours of playing Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault helped cure amblyopia in 10 adults. Vakili used the fifth installment, Rising Sun. Seems to be potentially influenced by both Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex, which are great influences to have. Aside from playing them on consoles, there are also fps games for iPhones, Android devices, and there are even shooting games for PC.Īmong the studies, the game that researchers favored games from fps multiplayer game series, Medal of Honor. There are hundreds of free shooter games available online, and they can be played on different platforms. Luckily, it is achievable and affordable.

Players will take turns playing as Reverend Ray, a former gunslinger who's turned to God, and Ray's brother's stepson, Billy. "What we need now are larger randomized controlled trials in this area, to build on the positive results reported by the participants," said lead researcher Alexandra Vakili. Set in the iconic world of the nineteenth century American West. But the scientists behind the study did not sugarcoat the size of the study and said the theory needs more research for it to be concrete. Compared to patients on a normal rehab schedule, the group that added time to play Medal of Honor: Rising Sun on their daily program saw faster improvements on brain functions and became better in everyday tasks too. Did you know that playing first-person shooting games may help repair brain damages? In 2016, a group from Macquarie University in Australia found out that playing FPS games had a positive effect on people rehabbing from traumatic brain injuries.