Install the latest USB drivers on your PC.This tool only works with Windows Computers.Important: Backup all your information before proceeding.Odin Change Log and Download links for All Versions - Odin download page !.How Install Stock Firmware via Odin Tool.How to Flash Stock ROM with SamsungOdin.Special thanks, Goes to Samsung Odin Download and partners !.Developed by Chainfire and you can buy Pro version or use community only mobile Odin lite version. Use on-device firmware flasher If you have rooted Android device and you need to flash ROM to your smartphone or Android Tablet, You can use Mobile ODIN, this app is on-device flasher so you can run it through your device.

You can Download Odin via our direct links. Odin 3.13.1 is compacted with developed GUI interface, better execution speed and the minimum of bugs. Keep in your Mind that we always recommend you to get the latest version as it will be more stable and improved interface. NOTE: Odin gets updated with the time changes, as of now Odin 3.13.1 is the latest version. tar files) - Odin can Flash custom root packages on your device to letting root access. Notice, you must have Odin flashable custom kernel (.tar) and compatible with your Android device. tar/.zip/.img) - Flashing Stock or Custom Kernels is possible. In that way, you will be able to add many sorts of functions to your Samsung Android device.

This is the Official community of Samsung Odin that effort for up to date Odin download links and Guides. Samsung Odin - Official Odin Download links